The del Balzo/des Baux dynasty
was originated in Provence (France) from the Seigneurs di Balz descendants
of William King of Arles and Prince of Orange (1059-1110 c.a.).Some
authors with hagiographic aim,sustained their origin from Balthazar,one
of the three Magi (the Comet in the Coat-of-Arms was used since remote
One of the Most prestigeous family ( Les Baux de Provence) was already
famous and powerful,the des Baux were independent Lords,castellan of
Les Baux and Arles and wielded very considerable authority at local
level ,holding cospicuous fiefs and vaste lands (Vienne,Marseilles,Berry,Bruges,
Montpellier,..), they followed Charles I of Anjou in the conquest of
the Kingdom of Naples (1263), with Barral, Lord of the "State" of Les
Baux (Balzo Balcio, Baltio, Baucio, Baux). Barral one of the winner
in the Battle of Benevento ,against the Hoenstaufen was created Count
of Avellino by King Charles and was the founder of the most illustrious
branch of the family ,was also Great Justiciar of the Realm.
Bertrand, Seigneur of Berre, followed also
Charles of Anjou was created Justiciar of the Abruzzi,he received various
lands in this province and fought for Charles in Campania,founder of
the branch of the Counts of Montescaglioso and Dukes of Andria, enriched
with other titles Count of Bisceglie, of Copertino and Duke of Venosa
The del Balzo/des Baux were merely the most famous of several important
families who linked the two cornerstone of Charle's empire,Provence
and the Realm(Regno)
Giovanni Antonio del Balzo-Orsini powerful
Prince of Taranto(1406) ,who owned seven
archbishoprics,thirty bishoprics,and over 300 castles,and traveled from
Salerno to Taranto without ever setting foot outside his own lands.
Very relevant, was the political role, that several members of this
important family,one of the seven greatest of the Realm , managed during
the Angevin and Aragonese ruling.They received waste lands and fiefs
in recognition of their service:( Earldom: :Acerra 1453, Avellino 1418,
Montescaglioso 1307 , Soleto 1443, Ugento 1493, Copertino 1283……. Dukedom:
Andria 1494, Nardo' 1497, Venosa 1499… Princedom: : Altamura 1467 ,
Taranto 1387..)Important relations with Royal Dynasty, Francesco, son
of Bertrand first Duke of Andria, married with Margherita of Anjou
Antonia and Giacomo,the
first married Federico III d'Aragona, King of Sicilia, and the second
Agnese of Anjou; Isabella, daughter of
Pirro, prince of Altamura the most powerful
Lord of the Realm, executed ,because was one of the inspirer of the
Magnates Conspiracy against Ferrante of Aragon King of Naples (1486)
married Federico King of Naples ,last of the Aragonese Dynasty.
The del Balzo of Naples ,descend from Battista
, to whom Ferrante I° of Aragon King of the Kingdom Naples(1458-1494)
in recognition of his service and military help , conceded in1465 the
fiefs of S. Croce ,Casa Selvatica and Mirabello. Battista
married Cecca of Monfort niece of Guglielmo Count of Campobasso.The
sons Vincenzo e Francesco were received by the city of Capua with special
Honours . From Vincenzo came the branch of the Barons of S. Croce, extinguished
late 18th Century. Francesco was the founder of the Schiavi Lordship
,Dukedom in 1681 ,then Dukes of Caprigliano in 1696 ,then Barons and
Dukes of Presenzano{1734).
The Battista branch descend from the second brother of William,last
Duke of Andria, Bianchino.In 1615 the cousins
of Battista, Scipione and Geronimo del Balzo, claimed at The Council
of the Kingdom to regain the lawful possession of the ancient Chapel
in the Church of Santa Chiara in Naples, Chapel still today held by
the family.
This branch was also holding Lordships since 1465, received in 1590
in the Order of Malta ,had also five concessions of Dukedoms and one
on the family name (1868). One Earldom was granted in 1830, when Francesco,General
of the Neapolitan Army, married Queen Isabella ,widow and mother of
Francis I of Bourbon King of the Two Sicilies.
The two branches Presenzano and Caprigliano,
are in the early XX Century represented by NICOLA, of Nicola, of Pasquale,
Duke of Presenzano (mpr.), noble of Capua (m.), Don e Donna , Knight
of Honour and Dev. of the Ord. of Malta, b. in Napoli 24 dec. 1884 from
Nicola and Enrichetta Ciccarelli Marchioness of Cesavolpe, marr. in
Napoli to nob. donna Maria Consuelo Alvarez de Toledo of the Dukes of
Bivona, dama of the Order of Malta.
Oncles (sons of Pasquale husband in first wedding to Concetta Bassano
dei Marchesi di Tufillo and in second wedding Giulia dei marchesi Brancia
dei Principi di Apricena
1° GENNARO, b. 12 dec. 1859 ,died 1929, marr. 20 mar 1897 donna Maria
Giovanna Granito Pignatelli dei Principi di Belmonte e dei Marchesi
di Castellabate
Issues :
a) RAIMONDO, ( 14 genn. 1898 -3 mag. 1969), magistrato, Gran Priore
di Roma del Sovr.Militare Ordine di Malta ,Bali' di Gran Croce di Giustizia,
Camer. di Spada e Cappa di S.S.Giovanni XXIII.
b) GIOACCHINO, n. 17 giugno 1900, marr. in I924 Ida Lanzara. Ufficiale
di artiglieria di complemento, Cavaliere di On.e Dev. Ordine di Malta.
Sons of Gioacchino:
bb) Don Raimondo, ( 1925 -1984) sp.Anna Maria Visocchi da cui:
(1) Don Antonello n.1948
(2) Donna Isabella n.1950
cc) Donna Emilia, n. 1926.sp.il15 giugno 1946 Bar. Don Ferdinando Acton
Principe di Leporano
c) MARIA (1901-1993)
d) STEFANIA, ( 1902-1980)
e) ed f) FRANCESCO ed ANTONIO***, gemelli,
nati 6 nov. 1903
g) LAURA, nata il 17 maggio 1908.
di Gioacchino del Balzo di Presenzano
***Don Antonio,nob di Capua,Cav.di On. e Devoz. del
S.M.Ordine di Malta, Dottore in Scienze Agrarie, n. a Napoli 6
Nov. 1903 + 31 Mar.1947, sposa a Napoli 4 Dicembre 1929, Donna
Margherita Ferrara Pignatelli dei Principi di Strongoli Dama di
Onore e Devozione dell'Ordine di Malta f. di Ferdinando Bar. di
Silvi e Castiglione, maritali nomine Pr. di Strongoli (R.D. 29
Marzo 1928) e di Donna Emilia Pignatelli, Princ. del S.R.I, Princ.
di Strongoli e Cont. di Melissa. f.di Don Luigi (1842-1907) ,Pr.
di Strongoli e di Donna Carolina dei Baroni Barracco (1854-1933).
a) Donna CAROLINA dama di On.e Dev del S.M.O.M. n. a Napoli 1930
sp. a Don Francesco Pironti Duca di Campagna Cav di On. e Dev
del S.M.O.M. Patrizio di Ravello il 9 dic 1954, da cui: (1) Don
Luigi n.a Napoli 1956 (2) Don Riccardo n.a Roma 1959.
b) Don GENNARO n. a Napoli 1932 Cav .di On e Dev del S.M.O.M.
Dottore in Scienze Agrarie sp. a Carla Valsecchi l' 8 Ott.1956,
da cui:
(1) Donna Eugenia n.a Roma 1957
(2) Don Antonio n. a Napoli 1961
(3) Donna Francesca n.a Salerno 1966
(4) Don Raimondo n.a Salerno 1972
c) Don FERDINANDO n. a Napoli 1934 Cav di On.e Dev. Del S.M.O.M.
Dott. in Chimica sp. a Carla dei Conti d'Amelio il 10 Genn. 1959
da cui:
(1) Donna Ughetta n. a Roma 1959
(2) Donna Leandra n.a Roma 1961
(3) Donna Margherita n. a Roma 1962
(4) Donna Anna Maria n.a Roma 1964
(5) Don Ludovico Pio n.a Roma 1970
Don Gioacchino b. in Napoli il 9 Apr 1945 Knight of Honour and
Devotion of S.M. Ordine di Malta e Gran Croce di On.e Dev.(1982)
Dott. in Scienze Economiche(1969) Member of AIDIM - Milano Associazione
Italiana per Il Marketing Interattivo(1998) Gia' Dirigente Industriale(1982-1998),
gia' Consigliere della Unione Industriali -Roma -sezione Juniors
(1978-1983). Marketing and P.R. Consultant
(1998) Commendatore al Merito della Repubblica (1982) Consigliere
dell'O.I.G.A. s.r.l.(1999)
2° (Seconde Nozze) MARIA n.23 Dic 1861
3° FRANCESCO (n. 1863 m. 1916), Spos. 27 giugno 1889 a nob.Carolina
Figli di Francesco (nati tutti a Napoli):
a) Giulia, n, 27 aprile 1890
b) Anna, n. 26 apr. 1891.
c) Maria del Rosario, n. 11 maggio 1892
d) Pasquale, n. 14 Ott. 1893, ferito e decorato croce di guerra.
e) Carmen, n. 23 febbr. 1895.
f) Gerardo, (1896-1951), ufficiale di artíglieria di complemento
e decorato croce di guerra.
g) Margherita,, n. 18 ott.1897
h) Enrico, n. 22 luglio 1899, uffic. d'artiglieria di complemento
e decorato croce di guerra..
i) Mario, n. 9 sett. 1900, uff. di artig. di complemento.
l) Carlo, n. 15 dic. 1902.
m) Beatrice, n. 16 luglio 1904.
n) Giovanni Battista. n. 22 sett. 1905.
o) Bertrando, n. 24 nov. 1906.
p) Clara, n.3 agosto 1909.
q) Luigi, n. 8 luglio 1911.
4° FILIPPO, n. 19 aprile 1868, cav. di giustizia ordine di Malta,
commendatore della Corona d'Italia.
5° FELICIA, n. 14,nov. 1869, spos. (1900) al conte Eduardo Garin
di Cocconato.
7° GIOACCHINO, n. 19 sett. 1873, uff. Regia Marina, spos. 8 febbr.
1902 alla nob. Giuseppina Malvinni Malvezzi dei Duchi di S.Candida
Figli: a) GIULIO ( 1903 -1993 ) ,Ambasciatore d'Italia, dott.
in giurisprudenza, Bali' Gran Croce d'Obbedienza del S.M.O.M.
, Presidente dell'Ass.Cav.It. del S.M.O.M sp. a Roma il 9 genn
1938 nob.Elisa Cavalletti dei Marchesi dell'Oliveto Sabino Patr.
Romana, da cui:
(1) Don Raimondo n.1939
(2) Don Cristiano n.1941
(3) Don Luca n.1945
(4) Don Ludovico n.1951
(5) Don Renato n. 1953
b)VINCENZA, n.18 Dic.1904 .spos. Alberto Visocchi
c) MARIA ROSARIA n.27 sett 1906 + 1 ott 1976 sp. nob.Cav. Don
Renato Prunas ,Ambasciatore d'Italia .
Linea-secondogenita di Presenzano.
Conte GIUSEPPE, fu del conte generale Francesco, e fu nob. Giulia
Carignani dei duchi di Novoli n. in Napoli 15 febbr.1871, Spos.
26 gennaio 1891 alla Nob.Laura Caracciolo Rocco Stella di S. Eramo.
Figli (nati tutti in Napoli):
a) Giulia n.2 genn.1892
b) Emmanuela, n. 11 dic. 1893
c) Maria, n. 30 marzo 1895
d) Bianca, n. 15 agosto. 1899
e) Ernesto, n. 7 agosto I902, uff. di cavalleria.
The branch of Caprigliano was represented
in the early XX century by ERNESTO of Francesco,of Raffaele
Duca del Balzo ,Duca di Caprigliano (mpr), nob. di Capua (m.),
b. in Napoli, 11 aprile I845, 25 febbr. 1868 Lady Dorotea
Walpoole di Orazio, figlia del Conte di Orford, Pari d'Inghilterra.
Sister: ADELAIDE, b. in Napoli 10 genn. 1843, dama di Palazzo
della Regina Margherita marr.with Francesco Pignatelli, Principe
di Strongoli.
Zio cugino:
a) GIOVAN BATTISTA, di Antonio e di Maria d'Ayala Valva dei Marchesi
di Valva n.a Napoli il 3 nov.1898 + 6 marzo 1983 sp. a Napoli
il 29 Apr.1922 donna Clotilde Capece Minutolo di Bugnano dei duchi
di Miranda.
Duca del Balzo ,Duca di Caprigliano. Da cui:
(1) Don Vincenzo Alessandro n.1923
(2) Donna Maria Teresa n.1924
(3) Don Antonio n.1926
(4) Don Francesco n.1926
(5) Donna Stefanella n.1931
(6) Don Fabrizio n.1935
b) Don Luciano (1899-1980)
c) Donna Teresa (1900-1957)
d) Donna Maria Antonia n.1902
c) Donna Dorotea (1904-1976)
d) Don Ernesto(1906-1979)

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History of the del Balzo Orsini family - Clck here

History Pignatelli family
Historical Notes on Neapolitan Nobility
and Aristocracy
There were many States in Historical Italy,each with
a separate nobility.
They differed in structure, wealth and power.
After the unification of Italy previous Nobility laws and customs
were maintained.
Historically, since the introduction of the Feudal System,Titles
were granted by Emperors ,Kings(German,Austrian,French,Spanish)
and Popes,in addition Powerful Lords (Milan Dukes, Tuscany ,Venice,Parma...)
also conceded Titles To local Aristocracy.
The hereditary Titles of Principe,Duca,Marchese,Conte,Barone
were granted by Patent Letter by Emperors,Popes and Kings out
of the Feudal System of the Holy Roman Empire.
The Status of Patrizio is related
to the City of origin.
The Title of Don means Noble Rank and The Consulta Araldica(Italian
authority after the unification ,which supervised the Titles recognition
and concession) in 1929 granted this historical custom (Don
and Donna) only to those Feudal Families(mainly Naples
and Sicily) of Princes ,Dukes , the Roman Nobility and some Lombard
When the Italian Republic was established in 1946,all Titles were
abolished, but the Noble Families recognized before 1928, were
authorized to incorporate the title on the surname.
Naples (Dukedom then Realm)
All Conquerors of Southern Italy adopted the Feudal System, Land
possession was divided in Fiefs since the Lombard
invasion in 590-839 AD (the first Dukedom was established in Benevento
in 758 AD).
With the Normans invasion (Tancredi
and Roger d'Hauteville 1060-1194) a further implementation was
undertaken, but mainly from the Lombard feudal structure than
the Frankish.
The Hohenstaufen with Conrad and
Frederick (1194-1266) introduced
the Female Succession.The conquest
of the Realm by Charles I of Anjou (1266)
,in order to avoid collaterals succession established the concept
of legitimate descendants.
Under the Angevins (1262-1441) and
Aragonese(1442-1495) ruling not changements
were made.
With the Emperor Charles V (Spanish Ruling
1503) the system was modified as the last descendant died
,remote and collateral lines must succeed male and/or female.
During the Reign of Philip II of Spain (1595)
and Charles VI of Austria( 1720)
was introduced the Male succession in spite of Female with equal
The titles of Princes and Dukes were granted outside the Royal
Family already under the Angevins and Aragonese ruling (Queen
Jeanne I 1343 and Alfonso the Magnanimous 1442): Prince of Taranto
(1373) to Giacomo del Balzo;Duke of Andria(1343) to Francesco
del Balzo;Prince of Salerno (1442) to Antonello Sanseverino....
Under the Spanish Viceroyalty and ruling (1504-1707) titles were
distributed lavishly.
With the arrival of The Bourbons (1740-1799
and the restoration 1805-1861) the practice of a husband
to adopt the title of the woman was officially legitimate. The
titles of Prince in the Royal Family were allowed only to primogeniture
of Males.
During the Napoleon Ruling (1799-1815)
the Feudalism was officially abolished by Joseph Bonaparte (1806),
but all titles granted were confirmed by Ferdinand
IV of Bourbon ,King of the Two Sicilies.
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Short History of Naples
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